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SIGNS BEFORE THE END OF THE WORLD: to take heed and not for fun


Allah (SWT) has prescribed the salutation of peace to be a sign of love and friendship among the people. The young should greet the old, the rich should greet the poor; greeting should be given to an Arab or a non-Arab, white or black. The prophet (SAW) said: “You will not enter paradise until you believe, and you will not believe until you love one another, shall I not tell you of something which if you do it, you will love one another: Spread salutation among yourselves” (muslim).


One of the signs of the hour is that a man will only greet those whom he knows and forgo those he does not know, even though the Sunnah is to spread the greeting of Salaam among those whom one knows and does not know.

Abu Ja’d narrated that; abdulloh ibn Mas’ood met a man and he said “peace be upon you, ibn Mas’ood” he said “Allah and His Messenger spoke the truth. I heard the Messenger of Allah (SAW) say, ‘one of the signs of the hour is that a man wiil pass through the mosque and will not pray two rak’ah in it and a man will not greet anyone but those whom he knows.

In Al-Saheeayn it is narrated that a man asked the Prophet (SAW)” what part of Islam is best? He said; to feed people and give salutation to those whom you know and to those whom you do not know.

Allah (SWT) has prescribed the salutation of peace to be a sign of love and friendship among the people. The young should greet the old, the rich should greet the poor; greeting should be given to an Arab or a non-Arab, white or black. The prophet (SAW) said: “You will not enter paradise until you believe, and you will not believe until you love one another, shall I not tell you of something which if you do it, you will love one another: Spread salutation among yourselves” (muslim).