Did you ever imagine and think for a while and ask ourself: "AM I READY TO DIE?" “WHAT IS GOING TO HAPPEN TO ME THE FIRST NIGHT IN MY GRAVE?
Think about the moment your body is being washed and prepared for your grave. Think about the day you will be carried to your grave… Think about the moment you will be dropped in that six feet hole. Whether rich or poor, your last abode is that hole. Even if you have the best of clothes, no designers anymore, just the white clothe...Subhanallah!
Just imagine yourself in your grave; in that dark hole alone. Can you picture how dark it would be? Too narrow that you have limited space to move, remember you are restricted to that hole. Only the believers with the best of deeds who followed Allah's orders are free, they would be happy and treated nicely. On the other hand, it is the time for regrets for the disbelievers, then "HAD I KNOWN" is their words. BUT NO ESCAPE! You alone with your deeds...no money, no jewelries, no families, only your deeds!